User Profiles for Blog Authors
Profiles of all users are available here. If needed, set up a new user. When setting up a new user, do NOT email the user information about their account. You will be asked whether to email the user while you are setting up the new user. Make sure to that box if UNCHECKED.
Biographical Info
Edit the bio so that it takes up one paragraph only. If the bio has more than one paragraph, simply eliminate the paragraph breaks.
If the bio text starts with only the first name of the person, or if the bio text starts with only the last name of the person, change it so that the bio starts with the full name of the person. Do not include “Mr” or “Ms” before the full name.
Profile Image
Include a stippled image as the profile photo for every blog author. First, search for a stippled image in the Media Library. If you cannot find a stippled image, create it.